An Ultimate Checklist For An Error-free Virtual Product Launch

Virtual Product Launch
Virtual Product Launch

Launching a product in the market is never easy and can be very confusing at times. While the entire journey seems exciting, there are many things that go behind launching a successful product launch campaign. It’s not different for a virtual product launch.

Irrespective of how unique the product is, or the number of clientele one has, launching a product into the market fills the team with anxiety, thus leading to making errors. To help you sustain through the times, and create an error-free product launch event, we bring to you an exclusive checklist of important activities.

The more you implement the checklist in your everyday activities, the smoother will be your planning process for the product launch. And yes, you can always use the checklist at times when there is no product launch, too.

So, lets begin.

Do your homework of researching about the market

Now, market research is just not limited to the capabilities of your product. Market research also includes your understanding about the marketing efforts performed by your competitors. When there is a product launch, there are multiple activities planned. When you are inspired from your competitors about the various things that you could do at a product launch, you can easily tweak the system to create something that is unique.

Test your product

While we are planning to create an error-free product launch, the important aspect is for your product to function error free. We all understand that products are sometimes ideas developed by humans, and might have unwanted errors. But it is up to us to test the product well, fix bugs, and showcase a great product that will solve major issues.

Create a marketing plan and double check it

It is vital that you have a marketing plan in place before you launch the product. Why? To create the hype, gather attention, get clients to register, and participate in exciting events. This way you will be able to create your group of participants for the product launch.

Double check your marketing plan and follow the plan until the launch. If you lose the momentum at any given time of your plan, you may lose a lot of eyeballs.

Implement a solid event platform

Conducting virtual product launches can be really tough, especially when it’s a grand launch with over thousands of participants. Your event platform is your only enabler to a virtual product launch. Imagine using an event platform that crashes in between your event or hangs abruptly? That’s a spoiler for your attendees and a dissatisfaction for you.

To avoid all the shame, implement an event platform that not just attracts and retains attendees but enables you to engage with them in a customizable manner. You can mix and match the pre-recorded videos along with the live event and create interactive rooms for discussions. Accelerate your sales pipeline without feeling dissatisfied with a modern event management platform.

Align your internal team

An event can’t be conducted alone, it needs a group of experienced people handling multiple aspects. While a product launch is planned prior, it needs your team to be aligned to the goals. Make sure to delegate tasks to your team and keep an update on the tasks. This way you will know if your product launch campaign is on the right track or lacks essence.

Prepare for orders

Now doing a product launch is half the job done. Once you showcase your product to the world, there will be people asking for demos, or pricing details, or anything else. You must keep a backup of experienced people equipped to handle all concerns. During and after the product launch, get your team up and start handling the client’s requirements. This way you will create a great brand presence and show a positive aspect of your product.

Promote the product

Launching a product must not stop you from marketing the product. Follow your marketing plan and start rigorously with the plan. Now that people have attended your product launch, it is a great time to get back at them and convince them to try your product. If you miss out on reaching out to your viewers everywhere possible, you may lose a chance to convert better.

Collect feedback

The feedback doesn’t only have to be about the product and its experience. It can also be about the event, the speakers, the launch plan, the interactions, and many more. Make sure to collect feedback on every level to make your customers feel valued. Send them emails, survey them with important aspects, and collect genuine feedback and work upon them to improve your market presence.

Assess data to improve future events

With the insights you collect from your product launch event or the marketing plan, devise a better strategy for your upcoming events or social presence. This will help you in giving your brand a shape, create a positive outlook of the product, and convert better.



Product launches are tough to plan, implement, and make it a success. Irrespective of whether your product is unique or has multiple competitors, it is vital that you conduct a launch event and gather customers in a whole.


Plan efficiently and beforehand to avoid unwanted errors or delays and conduct a great kickoff event.