How To Sell Your Art?

w to sell your art? If you’re an artist, it’s only natural to want to share what you’re creating with others, but many artists experience difficulty when it comes to using their art to generate income. Each medium, or type of art, will present different advantages and disadvantages when trying to sell in the marketplace. This blog’s sole purpose is to give you some new insight into unique ways you can begin selling your art.

1) Create a Website

If you’re serious about selling your art online, you should first create your own website. A website allows you to show off all of your artwork in one place and lets visitors contact you easily through email with questions or inquiries about purchasing artwork. These are some easy steps you can follow to create your website.

Purchase a Domain Name

The first step in creating an online shop is purchasing a domain name for your website. The portion of the site URL that follows the “www” is in a web address (for example, Domain names are unique and not shared by other businesses or individuals, so you must choose one specific to your brand and easy for customers to remember.

Choose a Website Builder

To build your website, you’ll need software that allows you to create pages, add images and text, and connect with buyers through e-commerce features like shopping carts and payment gateways (more on those later). You’ll need a platform to build your site and get it online. There are many options available, some free and some paid. However, we recommend using one that is easy to use and affordable. These platforms have a wide range of templates you can use to create your design or customize one of their existing designs.

Set Up Your Site

Once you’ve chosen an e-commerce platform, it’s time to set up your site by creating pages for each piece of art and adding them to their appropriate categories (for example, paintings or drawings). You can also upload photos of each piece of art and descriptions (or tags) to help potential buyers find it in search engines.

Add Payment Options

You can offer a variety of payment methods on your website. Several online payment processors will help you accept payments online. Each option has its benefits, so choose the one that best fits your needs.

Include Contact Information

Contact information is essential for all websites, especially those selling art. If a customer has questions or concerns about their purchase, they will want to know how to reach you quickly and easily. A customer can readily find this contact information if you ensure you prominently display it on every page of your website.

Drive Traffic

Once you have created your website, the final step is making sure people are aware that it exists and visiting it regularly. This can be done in a variety of ways such as contributing to art-related blog sites, connecting it to a personal social media account, or asking friends, family, and previous customers to share your site details with others. Ultimately, the more traffic you have coming to your website, the more opportunities you will have to sell your artwork and turn a profit.

2) Make NFT’s

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a unique class of virtual assets that cannot be replicated, much like physical collectibles. They are created using the ERC-721 token standard and are used by blockchain developers who want to provide users with a more immersive experience. NFTs can be sold on decentralized exchanges, but they’re also used to create games and digital art collections. If you are wondering how to make an NFT and sell it, it is actually quite easy.

How to make an NFT

Creating an NFT is similar to creating any other token on Ethereum. You’ll need a website to post your artwork and link it to the blockchain. Once your artwork is on the Ethereum blockchain, it’s stored there forever and can’t be altered or deleted by anyone except you or the person who purchased it.) 

3) Set Up an Etsy Shop

Etsy is an online marketplace where people can buy and sell handmade goods such as clothing, jewelry, accessories, and crafts. It’s a popular site for artists who may want to sell their work because it provides a community of buyers looking for original art pieces at reasonable prices. It’s also easy to set up an Etsy account and start selling immediately without hassle or extra fees like other websites charge when selling items on their site. Setting up an Etsy shop is the best alternative to creating your own website.

4) Sell at Festivals and Local Events

Festivals can be a great opportunity to sell your art because they tend to attract tourists from out of town looking for unique gifts from local artists. If you’re selling at a festival, bring a variety of works at different price points. This way, you’ll have a better chance at appealing to everyone, from families looking for souvenirs to collectors looking for something special that’s hard to find at home.

You can also use festivals as an opportunity to network with other artists, which could lead to future collaborations or referrals down the road. If someone likes one of your pieces but wants something that is slightly different, this can be an opportunity for a newly commissioned piece. A huge benefit of commissioned work is that you know you will be selling the piece before you begin making it. You also know your client is getting exactly what they want and will be more likely to refer you to friends or family.


Being a talented artist allows you to share your creativity with the world, which is one of its most rewarding aspects. However, another great benefit of being an artist is that you can earn an income doing what you love. Selling art enables you to make money using your creative talent and passion, but scaling up this business comes with its own set of challenges. While finding a market niche and selling as much work as possible is the key to success, always make sure you are still enjoying the process.